Welcome to the Flying Meat & Acorn Forums

This is a place where folks who use Acorn can pitch ideas, ask questions, and help each other out.

If you have a question or an idea you want to bounce off someone, feel to post about it here.

If you have feature requests, or bug reports, make sure to send it to support@flyingmeat.com so it gets into our support system. Go ahead and post it here as well if you’d like, but don’t forget to ask us about it first!

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Acorn vs Fireworks
I have been using Fireworks forever. My old laptop died, taking my paid software with it. Can anyone tell me if Acorn is close to what I know on fireworks.

I’ve only briefly used Fireworks years ago, so I can’t comment on that. But you can download a trial of Acorn for free right off the website: Acorn 7 | Full Featured Photo Editor for the Mac, and you can decide for yourself if it can replace Fireworks for you or not.

Hi, August Mueller
With you since 2007 !

( Acorn issues )

svg not compliant afaik
no improvements ?
Such as French for your software.

( VoodooPad issue ) :sleepy::triumph:
No more usable on El Capitan since Prime Labs ! :scream:

As usually I’m always ready to help on French localization of good software to win new user license !
because always lost that’s the kind of deal I like. :wink:
Best regards.

" The support of humanity is our real common affair. ?!"
Humanity Backer Team.

Acorn produces valid SVG as far as I’m aware. If you have an example that shows otherwise, I’d love to know about it. As far as reading SVG, Acorn is never going to handle the full spec. That’s a full time job for multiple people! Acorn supports “simple” SVG files.

We’d be happy to start trying to localize Acorn in French if you want to help out. Send us an email at support@flyingmeat.com, and we can get started!

Any plans to integrate generative AI?
Something like what AVCLabs’ PhotoPro AI does.

@mizawoo It’s something we look at often, but have nothing to announce at this time.