Strange impression of Acorn 8 and macOS security blocks


I was happy to get Acorn 8 a go but all the security approvals needing to record the screen just to select colors in an image editor and also something about about getting a notification from System Settings about it having installed something make me wonder why?

I haven’t seen this for an image editor before. I don’t think Pixelmator does that, or is it because it’s an app on the App Store that these security actions aren’t needed? Will it be the same for Acorn if using the App Store version? It sure doesn’t feel very user friendly having to deal with those things for such an app.

But maybe that’s the way things are now with the latest security precautions in macOS Sequoia. :slight_smile:

This is just the way things are on macOS these days. All apps (except Apple apps, I believe) will show a warning when you try to “record” the screen the first time (and every new update on the app after that, unfortunately, as well). Pixelmator included, if it samples outside the image.

I’m seriously considering a preference to turn that feature off, though. It’s been great for the past 18+ years, but the warnings are super annoying.

I don’t know what the other warning was - maybe it was from Acorn’s QuickLook extensions (these are the extensions that let the Finder show image thumbnails on the Acorn files, as well as for QuickLook to be able to show Acorn images). Again, this will happen for all apps.

macOS is getting pretty locked down these days, much to the annoyance of both users and developers. I understand why, but … it’s going a bit overboard.