I am trying to use the Spotlight filter in Acorn and perhaps I am stuck in my Pixelmator/Photoshop workflow/mindset but it doesn’t appear to be doing what I want.
I was originally trying it in an Acorn file that had a Layer Group with each card but that didn’t work and even using an exported image doesn’t seem to work.
I’m not sure what’s going on with this filter, and why it’s behaving this way! I’ll take a look at it and see if I can whip it into shape.
I do have a workaround until then though. Add a new layer above all your backgrounds, and fill it with white. Add the Spot Light filter on top of that, and set the color to white (or blue or whatever color you want your spotlight to be). Everything should blend in nicely after that.
Alright, and update on this.I’ve fixed up the Spotlight filter for the next release so it works more as expected. You can grab a test build from the following URL and try it out: https://flyingmeat.com/download/latest/