Simple cropping question

I have a few hundred full screen browser captures and I want to crop out the Chrome UI from each so I purchased RB Pro. It looks really powerful but I am struggling with a simple use case.

I create read files, crop and write files node and link them.

I choose Pixel Frame from the Crop node setup and enter X:0 Y: 140 and appropriate width/height.

After writing however, the top of each image is not cropped like I expect (140 pixels from the top).

This must be me misunderstanding how to use the tool - can someone enlighten me please?

Also, for this workflow, it would be really handy to let the user select an x,y, width height interactively vs having to read them from Preview or similar.

Many thanks in advance.

Hello, and welcome.

Retrobatch uses an x,y origin in the bottom left corner of the image, so your math has to consider that.

However, since you’re using Retrobatch Pro, you can use the Anchor type, with the location set to the bottom middle, and then set the height to h-140, which will crop from the top. (‘h’ is a variable that’s usable in this JS snippet that represents height. ‘w’ is a var for width, and ‘a’ represents the asset. You can read more about the APIs here: Retrobatch JavaScript API).

Let me know how that works for you, and I’ll consider it a feature request that you’d like to configure the origin for the Crop node.

I knew it would be something simple but I didn’t realize how simple :slight_smile:

I should have realized the origin was at the bottom - works perfectly now.

Thank you for the quick reply - great support and great software.