Shell script generating txt file with file list does not work properly

Hi, I am trying to fire a shell script from retrobatch that uses imagemagick to write a txt-file with a list filenames and pixel dimensions:

cd /Users/fzl/Documents/TEMP/COOKED/ORIGINAL/FOGRA39_XL-JPG && identify -format "%f %wx%h\r" *.jpg > info.txt && osascript -e 'display notification "info.txt ist fertig!" with title "Erfolgreich!"'

when prompting the command in terminal it works fine: an “info.txt” is generated and after a while all the infos are printed inside and when ready I get a notification.

But when starting the script from retrobatch as “postflight”, only the “info.txt” gets generated, but stays with 0 Byte empty…

Where do I went wrong?

Or maybe is there ab better way to do this with a javascript node or is there a even more clever way to do this in retrobatch?

Thanks for your help!

Ha, could figure it out by myself: since imagemagick was installed via homebrew, I needed to include the path to the command:

cd /Users/fz1Documents/TEMP/COOKED/ORIGINAL/FOGRA39_XL-JPG && /opt/homebrew/bin/magick identify -format "%f %wx%h\r" *.jpg > info.txt && osascript -e 'display notification "info.txt ist fertig!" with title "Erfolgreich!"'

Glad you got it figured out.