Set Ruler 0,0 Point..?

Hi, I can’t seem to find anything about this, but I need to move the Ruler 0,0 point from the top left of the canvas to some arbitrary point within the canvas. I use Acorn to make labels and facias for Hi-Fi equipment and need to set the 0,0 point to the upper left corner of the first label or facia, otherwise I’m continually having to mentally add offsets, which leads to mistakes…

There’s currently no way to do this, just the setting for top left or bottom left. But it’s something I’d like to see in Acorn and it’s on the list.


Thanks, Gus – the 0,0 point currently sits outside the printable area for the printer that I use, so having the ability to make it coincide with the top left of the printable area would be soooo useful.