I don’t how feasible this is but I’d really like to be able to define a Write action that uses Transmit (5) to upload (to a specified location) at the end of a workflow.
It looks like this would be scriptable, or something like rsync would work, but a built-in action would be super.
You can use the Transmit Disk feature (of Transmit, obviously) to mount a remote server as a local folder in macOS. A simple write action will then upload automatically.
The folder on Dropbox is not mirrored locally, so it’s not there to save to. (But also, I think Transmit is quicker to upload… not always I guess but it seems to be.)
That Droplet plus Open in App looks like it will do the job. Will test presently. Thanks for your advice!
OK, you might find this a bit faster with the AppleScript node:
global transmitBrowser
using terms from application "Retrobatch"
The processStart handler is called when your workflow has started running
on processStart()
tell application "Transmit"
set myFave to item 1 of (favorites whose name is "deleteme")
tell current tab of (make new document at end)
connect to myFave
set transmitBrowser to remote browser
end tell
end tell
end processStart
The processAsset handler is called for each image asset that passes through this AppleScript node
You can return a boolean value that says wether or not this asset should continue on through the next node(s)
on processAsset(anAsset)
set assetPath to file path of anAsset
tell application "Transmit"
tell transmitBrowser
upload item at path assetPath
end tell
end tell
return true
end processAsset
processEnd is called when your workflow is about to end
on processEnd()
end processEnd
end using terms from
This script isn’t working for me, at least not as I thought it would. The files uploaded are the original files defined in the “Read images” node. I thought this script, linked from the “Write images” node, would upload the processed files.
Is it possible to get the processed file path?
I’m using 1.1.1 build 628
Edit: I spoke too soon. This may not be related but, when I save my workflow as a droplet and run it I get an AppleScript Error “Can’t get document BaseWorkflow”. And indeed, the RB document itself has now changed name to BaseWorkflow.retrobatch.