I am trying to run a shell script on an external application but I get the error
Invalid file or directory path:
How do I pass the file path onto an application. I have tried the below
#!/bin/bash #The last argument given to a script is the last known path of the image Retrobatch is passing to it.
imagePath=“${@: -1}”
/Applications/Topaz\ Photo\ AI.app/Contents/MacOS/Topaz\ Photo\ AI --cli --overwrite “$imagePath”
The file /tmp/path_info.txt is blank when I add this in. I get this message from the log window
Checking if log directory should be pruned. Currently have 11 log files.
Number of logs exceeds max number to keep ( 10 ). Cleaning excess logs.
QObject::moveToThread: Cannot move objects with a parent
Logger initialized
[CLI] Invalid file or directory path:
Error | Attempted to set index out of range: 0 images loaded, but setting index to 0
No valid image files passed