New user, first steps

Hi, everybody,

I have Retrobatch v.1.4.5 and I am still on Mojave 10.14.6 (old MacPro 6,1). Since I’m a new Retrobatch user, therefore I got a couple of basic, general questions.

  1. Is there a native way to convert JPEGs to webP format in Retrobatch? If there is, I can’t find the appropriate node.

  2. Is there a way to instruct Retrobatch to compress images using ImageOptim app (or any other specific app, for that matter)?

I’m sure I will have a lot of other questions going forward. I hope you will help me out…

P.S. I almost forgot this one:

  1. How to add this forum to a RSS reader?


OK, guys, I already found the way to save images in webP format (in Write Images node). So, you can skip the first question.

Second question can also be ignored, since I found Retrobatch does a good job compressing on its own.

Question #3 is still valid and I got one additional question:

  1. In a workflow I created, I moved around some nodes and now two of the arrowed links are blue. What does that mean?

I don’t think there’s any way to get an RSS feed for the forums - but I’ll look into it (maybe it’s something I can switch on).

If you have manual connections enabled, the blue highlighting means that the node connection is selected. If you hit the delete key, they would then be removed.

Thanks, Gus. Having the ability to get RSS feed would help (probably not only me).

I have one more specific question.

I am outputting 4 different sizes in two formats: JPEG and webP (total of 8 variants). Is it possible to set separate output folder for each variant in one continuous workflow? How to do that?

You’d need a separate Write Node for each variant, with each one pointing to a different folder. Does that make sense?

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Thanks, Gus. If you say this, who am I not to agree? :smile: I will try that tomorrow.

I was also thinking of combining even more actions to my workflow. Namely, processing both rectangle images and square thumbs (custom cropping/composition) in one workflow. I imagine I would have to add a separate Read node? One Read node for rectangles and one for squares?

Yea, that can work. There are other more complicated ways, but this is probably the most straightforward if you already have them separated.

Thanks again, Gus. You’ve been very helpful. But your forum seems to be asleep. Is it always so quiet here?.. :grin:

It’s as busy and it needs to be I guess? :slight_smile: Yea, it is a bit quiet, but if folks have anything to add - do it!

Hi, Gus, @ccgus

I have one pressing question for you and then I’ll leave you alone (for awhile, at least).

I made a large workflow in which I have combined 2 separate processes. To make it easier to visualize, here’s a screenshot:

All went great, except sequence numbers. What I mean is that after the first process completed, sequence numbers kept adding up in the second process, by continuing where first process left off.

Question: is there a way to make a sequence that would span only one process and then, start from the beginning in the second process?

As it is now, first process consists of numbers 1-8 and second process consists of numbers 9-16.

This is what I would like to achieve:

  1. First process starts with 1 and ends with 8;
  2. Second process also starts with 1 and ends with 8.

This is important to me because I process both thumbs and display images in the same workflow. Obviously, the thumbs should have numbers that correspond with display images.

A “process” is the whole thing when running, and you’ve got basically two node trees. And unfortunately the File Number is workflow / process wide.

However - this is something that can easily be done via a JavaScript plugin. I’ve just added a “Custom File Counter” on the JSNodes page. Here’s what it would look like:

You’ve got two chains, each with their own custom counter. The write and file counter nodes on the top look like this in the inspector:

And the bottom two look like this:

Notice the “MyID” and “MyOtherID” tokens. That’ll create unique IDs for each chain. Here’s the workflow:
CustomCounter.retrobatch (7.2 KB)

Also one other thing. In your workflow where you have two write nodes branching ff a scale node - they don’t have to branch. You can have a JPEG node and then a WebP node right after that, which should make things a bit more organized:

Also, ignore how the lines are different in my screenshots. I’m running a debug build of Retrobatch with some stuff turned on that you wouldn’t normally see (sorry - should have grabbed a release version :slight_smile: )

I’ve just added a “Custom File Counter” on the JSNodes page.

Where is that?

The CustomCounter workflow you linked to looks like this:


So, it’s a wrong workflow, isn’t it? Sorry, I’m a bit confused…

Sorry - I forgot to point a link to the JS Nodes page: Retrobatch JavaScript Nodes

The workflow should open correctly after that (you might have to re-download it if you saved it).

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