Lettering fill shows through to layer below

I am a rank amateur and I need really basic help. I want to write a word and fill it with transparency so that it will show through to the layer below, which has some artwork. It’s like a gradient but not that. The lettering must show through to the under-layer. I ca’t figure out how to do this.

There’s two ways to do this.

  1. Make your layer with the lettering transparent.
  2. Make the fill of your text transparent:

If that’s not quite what you’re after, let us know maybe with an example, and I can point you in another direction.

Thanks for the reply ccgus,

Not quite what I’m trying to do. I think I want a first layer to have a scene on it, and a second layer with white background over and obscuring the first layer. I want to write on the second layer and where there’s a letter, it shows through to my scene on the first layer. I want to use the word “mask” but I think that means something else in Acorn

Best Regards Jp

For this, you’ll want to use the Mask blend mode on your second layer. I’ll post some screenshots.

Here it is setup with white text above a background:

If I change the blend mode to “Mask”, I’ll get this:

And then finally, if you want the white background you can do that on Export (by setting the matte color), of you can put your two layers inside a group and set the blend mode to “Normal”, and then add a white background below the group:

Here’s the final image:
mask.acorn (2.2 MB)

I hope that helps, and let me know if you run into any more questions.


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Thank you so much! I also just fount this, Acorn: Wood Text.