A request for improvement


Could you tell me how to revert in version 2.1 with the old interface?
For me, the new interface is just a hassle.

There is no option to hide the image previews, and when I add a folder with thousands of images, I have to wait for all of them to load before I can work in the program, which takes a lot of time.

It’s inconvenient to click on each node and open the menu, even with a double-click. It was much more convenient when it was fixed clearly on the right side. It would be nice to have two different customization options for it.

The ability to reduce the workspace is very necessary, because sometimes the number of nodes doesn’t fit into the workspace, and I have to move new elements to a new line. Then a magnetic stripe appears, which has to be manually removed each time.

For example, if you take a PNG image and overwrite it in JPG, the extension does not change, but should change.
For example: test.png → text.jpg [now: test.png → test.png]

It would be nice to add a feature to convert SVG to other vector different formats (eps, ps, dxf, …) with the ability to change/add SVG meta datas {EXIF}.

I’m sorry if the text sounds rude.
Please. :slight_smile:
Retrobatch 2.1
Macos 14.7

The only way to go back to the previous interface is to download Retrobatch 1.5.1: Flying Meat Software: Legacy Software

However, you can get a nice linear interface with multiple nodes properties by selecting the nodes you want to edit and then pressing the spacebar. I’d suggest trying that out before going to the previous release.

This is a bug, and I’d like to see how you’re making that happen! Can you zip up the workflow that is doing this and mail it to support@flyingmeat.com? I’ll take a look at it there and get it fixed.

Vector conversion isn’t something that is currently on the roadmap, but if enough folks request it, I’ll see what I can do.
