Write Images Using Source Folder

Alright - try the latest build of Retrobatch from the following URL and let me know how it works for you:

Works perfect! Thanks SO much! :raised_hands:

I’m not sure if it’s just me - but it seems that if I add an index PNG node, or a animated image node, the source folder no longer works. If I choose the folder - it works. Not sure if these work differently for some reason or mess something up. Or I might be using it wrong.

Let me know! Otherwise it’s working flawlessly! Thanks!

The animated image node creates a brand new image, so it doesn’t have a source image folder at that point. I suppose I could make it look at the first image for the animation…

The Indexed PNG node makes a new image as well, but it should be able to inherit the source folder since it’s just a single image. I’ll look into it.

Resuming this old thread to ask this question: is there a way to create a subfolder inside the source folder and save the processed images there using the original filenames?

Something like source_folder/processed/processed-file.jpg

EDIT: never mind, I figured it out, you just need to put another slash in front of your custom named subfolder:


Thanks for this great app!

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